Did You Know?

To actually repair your complexion…

  • It has to be corrected from the inside out – not from the outside in
  • You have to actually reverse the causes – and signs – of aging
  • You have to pick a medical grade skin care regimen
  • You have to make a commitment to stay with it for 4-5 months

As our skin ages, it’s not so pretty…

  • The outer layer of your skin thickens, creating uneven texture
  • You have less cell turnover
  • Your pores enlarge
  • Cells that make melanin function irregularly, leading to age spots and discoloration
  • Collagen and elastin production slows down, weakening and loosening your skin
  • Thick, irregular connective tissue forms, contributing to wrinkles

Over-the-Counter Skin Care Products…

  • Contain low (weak) concentrations of active ingredients, by law
  • Aren’t formulated with enough strength to heal below the surface
  • Only work on the top layer of your skin
  • Don’t penetrate deeply enough to actually change your skin
  • Won’t correct your underlying skin condition, so they…
  • Won’t result in a permanent improvement in your skin
  • We invite you to retrain your skin back to health with a customized plan to treat your unique skin concerns. The plan takes only moments a day, and once your skin has been repaired you can keep it healthy with a simple maintenance plan. Set up a skin analysis and start your journey to beautiful, flawless skin!

    More About the VISIA Complexion Analysis System:
    The VISIA Complexion Analysis System scans your skin and captures key visual information, using multi-spectral imaging and analysis, of eight areas that affect your skin’s health and appearance. We use the VISIA to measure your skin pigmentation, pore size, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria), UV spots, photo damage (typically from sun damage), texture and wrinkles. With this quantitative assessment of your skin, we compare your skins features to other individuals of the same sex, age and skin type to provide you with your relative skin condition within your peer group. We then prepare your personalized skin care regime and rejuvenation program.

    As your treatments progress, the VISIA is used to track the changes in your skin and the effectiveness of your skin care program. Set up an appointment for a free consultation today!