Recently featured in Redbook Magazine!

Having huge, dark rings around your eyes is not a great look—but with screaming babies and buzzing gadgets keeping you up, it happens. To get rid of them, Doris Day, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City and the author of Forget the Facelift, recommends using Teamine® Eye Complex by Revision Skincare, because it contains natural minerals such as mica, silica and titanium dioxide, which brighten the skin by reflecting light. “The specific formulation of plant and tea extracts in teamine and the clinical data behind it are strong in helping improve dark under eye circles,” says Dr. Day.

Check out these AMAZING before and after pictures:

Take the SLPS Teamine® Challange! Throughout the month of August, take 10% OFF Teamine® Complex and Concealer when purchased together, document your transformation with before and after photos, and be entered in a drawing to win a FREE Teamine® Eye Complex!

Click here to learn more about Teamine® Complex & Concealer