After eliminating the sagging fat from your arms, you need to focus on how to take care during the healing period. As with any surgery, an arm lift procedure also requires you to be cautious post-treatment. Here’s how recovery is going to be like after an arm-lift:

The Day of The Surgery

An arm-lift is mostly performed as an out-patient procedure. This means you can go home the same day after the procedure. However, since you will be sedated and bandaged, it is better to have someone drive you home.

First Week Post-Surgery

  • Stay away from work. Soreness, tenderness,s and redness are common temporary effects after an arm lift in Houston Texas but these are minor and not to be worried about.
  • Avoid driving and do not exert pressure on your arms in any way.
  • Have help around and stick to the instructions given by your surgeon.

The Following Week

  • After the first critical week, you can return to your normal activities.
  • Your bandages and stitches will be removed during this time.
  • Your surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment to provide support to your arms and speed-up the healing process.

The First and Following Months

  • You can get back to work, but it is better to avoid heavy lifting and aerobic activity for a few more weeks.
  • You need to stick to the follow-up visits to your surgeon so that he can monitor and keep track of your healing progress.
  • The scars fade away within 5-6 months.

For more information about arm lift recovery and surgery contact Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr John T Nguyen of Sugar Land Plastic Surgery.