Revision Breast Surgery in Sugar Land Texas – Houston TX
On occasion, even careful planning and excellent surgical technique can produce disappointing surgical results or unmet expectations following breast enhancement surgery procedures such as breast reduction or breast augmentation. Revision surgery may help women who are disappointed with their results immediately after breast surgery as well as those who have seen unwelcome changes in their outcome over time.
If your breast enhancement results fell short of your goals, you can achieve the shape you wanted all along by choosing Dr. John T. Nguyen. Dr. Nguyen performs advanced breast enhancement procedures such as secondary breast augmentation and reconstruction.
Challenges and Solutions
Here you’ll find visual examples of common complications that may result from a breast augmentation.
Bottoming Out & Stretch Deformity
Lengthened nipple-to-fold distance due to skin stretching, resulting in the breast pocket that is lower than desired.
Inferior and Lateral Fold Malpositions
The inframammary fold or lateral fold is compromised, causing the breast pocket to migrate inferiorly or laterally.
Medial malposition due to weak tissue resulting in breasts too close together or even touching.
Wrinkling and Rippling
Presence of wrinkles, ripples, or irregular contours due to weak or thin tissue.
Capsular Contracture
Misshapen, firm or painful breasts, which result from contracture of the capsule, may require capsulectomy.
Mastopexy Augmentation
Mastopexy Augmentation is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts.
When considering breast revision surgery, your surgeon may recommend the use of a product known as Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix (TM). Strattice™ TM is a tool to assist in addressing challenges.
Schedule a Consultation
For more information on breast revision surgery contact board certified plastic surgeon John T. Nguyen, MD today at our Sugar Land Texas location at 281-980-8000. Serving the Houston Texas area.